My diorama represents how pollution has, and will furthermore, effected Earth. The oil spills are there to show how oil can get into wildlife's as well as our own drinking water and cause disease! The polluted air is mainly caused by smoke stacks from factories and car exaust and carbon dioxide. This can easily take over our lungs over time. Notice there are no wildlife and there is dead vegetation on the polluted side. This could happen to us, where YOU live, over time. Just by recycling more and taking care of the environment around you will help in creating a better life for you and others. Our Ozone is depleting because of chloroflourocarbons, and other air pollution. The man in the back has suffered from skin damage due to ozone depletion. The girl in the truck is throwing out her trash without thinking twice. She, like many will say " Thats what community service workers are for." and think nothing of it. If you think about how many of you say that and do just that, there are not enough workers or time in the world to pick up all that trash. So please dont throw trash out the window. You could be potentially killing or injuring someone or something.